Saturn and Pluto Invigorate the New Year ~ 08 Dec 2023

Before Saturn enters Pisces, he leisurely strolls past the black hole Cygnus X-3 (approximately 28 Aquarius 55, precession corrected for January 2023) and offers one of those winks of his. This transit is in play now. The most intense orb influence starts early January and runs into March 2023. Saturn actually hits the exact degree of this singularity on 28 February, shortly before he enters Pisces on 8 March. While this transit operates, Saturn prepares everyone for a dive into the awesome world of sensation and sensitivity.

There is a specific process to clearing all emotional decks with the cosmic engagement of Saturn to Cygnus X-3's singularity. The process is best applied fully and as close to the time when whatever emotionally inciting incident life throws your way actually occurs. Saturn proclaims if you don’t care to carry an emotional anchor on your stern, working the way through the emoting process best serves all purposes and clears the deck for smooth sailing going forward.

When you hit an emotional obstacle and it makes your world woozy, this transit encourages full and swift dealings for an interval of 4.8 hours to achieve the grandest results. This period is not random. It is part of the x-ray eclipsing binary black hole systems orbital dynamics. While this may sound overly complex, it’s not. Cygnus X-3 encourages the clearing of residual emotional charges regardless of when they appeared in life. If an emotional charge negatively impacts progress now, clear it.

For the first hour or so in the clearing event, listen to the grumble in your mind. Let your inner editor argue with your sensibilities and echo the naysaying proclamations of anyone who has ever “dissed” you, your skills or your psyche along the way. Allow yourself to get mentally knotted up.

Next sit somewhere private. Know that in this space no one else can hear your processing, nor is your emotional event anyone’s business. Let yourself feel your way throw untangling that mental knot. It’s okay to throw a fit, stomp your feet or whatever suits your purposes. Simply let yourself fall into the emotion of it all. It’s cool with the cosmos if you lament to heal. Saturn doesn’t mind. Saturn wants this load of mental manure to disappear and leave you alone forever. Do your absolute best not to purge through anger. Under anger lies hurt... that’s what’s truly needs to release.

Sure it may not be fun, but the emotional wave passes in a couple hours. When this run concludes, get some water, sit and compose. Should a lesser wave of feelings flood you, take them on without delay. Any second surge does not last as long as the first wave nor does it possess the intensity. When your waves pass celebrate that you engaged and completed a powerful emotional healing curve according to the underscoring and most insightful x-ray energy. Saturn approves and strongly recommends pleasant life engagement. Clean up, get some great chow and hang out with folks who are organically upbeat and evolutionary in their demeanor. You do not need to share your cleansing process. Simply hang and absorb the good vibes that add to your renewed and restored light.

So here’s a thing about Saturn paddling through Pisces. To get there from here, it’s all about feelings. It’s all about sensation and sensitivity. It’s about recognizing that all personal reactions and emotions, whether based upon cogent reality or not, are valid for the reactions they are. Seek to engage and enjoy the titillation of the emotional tides. As Pisces planets bob like a cork on the ocean, they grow to fancy savoring the full feelings of life... and within such feeling, life can feel fuller.

Saturn’s ingress into Pisces immediately precedes Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius. This is huge.

While Saturn sticks with the Piscean sign change Pluto previews what he’s going to be conjuring up for slightly more than two decades with his short run in the water bearer from March through June 2023. Then Pluto executes another Aquarius prequel January to September 2024. He makes his full on entry into Aquarius in November 2024 following one last retrograde look to see if there’s anything to check off the Capricorn list of completed consciousness excursions. Then the Lord of the Underworld remains in Aquarius without interruption until March 2043.

No doubt all sorts of predictions will launch for Pluto in Aquarius. Some will turn out true. Others will not. Really, what does Pluto’s sign change portend? Quite simply, he looks at the collective with the understanding that everyone is in the thick of making something from life. All Earthlings share the commonality of being on Earth and their individual souls evolve through the collective evolution of what happens in the world. This will be true for Earthlings on Mars when that whole Mars habitation thing happens. Pluto points out that those residing in his planetary dominion share similar plutonian agendas inspired the reality of life in that far-out world. Plutonians, not plutocrats, Pluto clarifies. Similarly, this whole deal happens with any star outside our solar system. It occurs within each galaxy as galactic residents share the expansion of the Universe... on and on ad infinitum!

When people wrap around this collective idea Pluto in Aquarius notes, things work better. Pluto reminds all that should a soul seek to flourish and encourage others in their sphere of influence to flourish, using Saturn in Pisces to experience and savor every emotion, regardless of the defining label of that emotion’s flavor, is welcomed, encouraged and fits the bill.

Co-promise Saturn and Pluto evolving manifestations continue to appear in all aspects of life. But what those outcomes are, the planets reserve the right to withhold any hint of outcome until full engagement is in play. Saturn and Pluto know it works better that way! Drill down, dive deep, engage without reservation... now more than ever!

More soon...